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How YouTubers Make Money While they are sleeping

In this channel Gervasio Da Gloria will show you how to managed your videos to be top on youtube. All secrets, strategies & tactics revealed! This series of videos will be lessons, showing you how to become a successful YouTuber. I will share all my YouTube experiences, secrets, strategies & tactics with you.

We will start out covering the basic YouTube fundamentals. Once we have a good understanding of that, we will go through all the other small extras YouTube offers us! I will reveal some advanced techniques and tricks that you can dominate YouTube with your videos.

YouTube is Now Complex. No longer is it as easy as creating a video and uploading. YouTube is a social media community. There is YouTube video seo. Keyword analysis and analytics. Annotations and editing. Promoted videos and Partners, etc….Get your hand on this brand new advanced and high quality YouTube Training Video Series.

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