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Get Paid To Watch Videos

Sign up to TimeBucks:

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get paid to watch videos and make money online. If you’re looking to work from home, or get paid to complete online jobs, getting paid to watch videos is the easiest way to earn money online. How much you earn depends on how much time you put in, and this can be done multiple times per day or on multiple devices.


PC with Chrome Browser. This does not work on mobile.

What you need to do:

1. Sign up to TimeBucks

2. Once logged into TimeBucks, click on Earn, Content, Engage.

3. Click on the “Start Earning” button.

4. On EngagedHits, click the Login with Google button.

5. Once you are logged in, click the Download Extension button and download the chrome extension. Extract the files to a folder on your PC.

6. Enable Developer Mode in chrome.

7. Click “Load Unpacked” and browser to the extension folder.

8. Click on the EngagedHits icon in your toolbar, choose “Earn Money”. You will then be assigned a task to complete. Follow all the instructions and you will get paid directly into your TimeBucks account.

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