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Sell Jeans on eBay to Make Money

Clothing is one of the most popular items you can sell on eBay. Every day, ordinary people make extra cash by sourcing and selling top selling clothing brands on eBay. When I started Online selling on eBay in 2009, money flew in. I was shopping for inventory every day at my favorite consignment shop. A pair of Lucky jeans with worn cuffs would sell for $60 or more. Competition has grown fierce since then.

Start with a brand that you’re already familiar with. Let’s take American Eagle for our example. You have a great pair of their Skinny jeans that is now a size too small and you decide to sell them. First, do your research. Go to eBay and type in American Eagle Skinny Jeans Size 6 and then refine your search by showing only the completed listings.

The items listed in green (for the price) are the ones that have sold. The items listed in red did not sell. Ignore the items that didn’t sell. Usually, those are overpriced. Focus on items similar to yours that have sold. Take note of the condition. Is there visible wear? Any flaws? Worn cuffs? Also, be on the lookout for keywords that successful sellers included in their title and description.

If you’re selling jeans you need to know what style they are. Are they boot-cut or skinny? Low rise or high-waisted? Familiarize yourself with clothing terms like rise and inseam. You also need to learn to describe the wash of the jeans. Light or dark? Some brands will have the wash written on the care label as well as a date code showing which season and year the jeans were made. Not sure what the codes mean? Look those up. There are some buyers who are very specific about which items they’re shopping for. Do your research in advance.

Take Quality Pictures on Your Smartphone

You don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars for a pricey digital camera. Simply use your phone take the pictures. Edit the photos with your phone’s Edit feature. I use my Apple iPhone to take ultra flattering pictures. I can post directly on eBay right from my phone.

Find the Best Jeans to Sell on eBay

Men’s jeans that are high end brands can make you a lot of money. Women’s jeans will sell but the profit margin is slightly lower. Men are less likely to return jeans. You can and will make money selling jeans, but you should expect crazy looks and eye rolls when you tell friends about your plan. Ignore them. I started selling jeans on eBay in 2009 and have sold thousands of pairs of jeans, shorts and skirts. Look for these top brands:

Diesel – men’s and women’s jeans, made mostly in Italy. Authenticate with photos. Jeans sell for $10 to $210 on eBay. There are lots of fake Disels on the market. A New With Tags (abbreviated NWT on eBay) pair of SAFADO style in Dirty New Age (dark wash, slim straight) sold for $210 recently on eBay. Those are men’s jeans. Original vs. Fake Diesel Jeans:original jeans are made of higher quality material. You can feel the difference. Diesel was started in 1978 by Renzo Rossi. Popular men’s styles are Zathan, a slim boot cut jean and Thanz a straight leg slim fit. Women’s styles include the Liv, a lower rise straight leg, the Matic, low rise skinny jean and the Low sky, which has a straighter leg cut and lower rise.

True Religion – sell for$15 to $300 on eBay depending on the style and condition. True Religion was founded in 2002 in California. It is considered High End Denim. There are lots of knockoffs in the marketplace so add photo details and closeups to authenticate the jeans. The best online selling style is Super T. True Religion brands are known for their oversized white stitching. The jeans are made in the USA unlike many other hot brands.

Hudson – founded by LA native Peter Kim, a surfer, yogi, and cyclist in 2002. Look for the Union Jack label and v-button pocket (triangular back pocket). Hudson jeans symbolize a spirit of proud defiance. These sell from $10.49 to $85 on eBay depending on condition and style. If you can find jeans that are NWT (New With Tags) always get a clear photo of the tags to boost the sales price.

Paige – first launched in February 2005 in high end retail shops, founded by Paige Adams-Geller, who is the only female founder in denim history. These are high end jeans with styles like the Skyline Skinny and Avalon Hidden Hills Bootcut. There are even amazing skinny maternity jeans with built-in panels to keep women looking great during pregnancy. My favorite style of Paige is the Skyline Skinny in Carson.

BKE – made by Buckle men’s and women’s jeans $20 to $250 on eBay

Vintage Levi’s – a pair of Levi’s from 1890’s sold for over $36,000 on eBay. The jeans came from a mine in the Rand Mining District on the Mojave Desert in CA. Seller loaded the listing with facts to authenticate the origin of the jeans including explanation for candle wax drippings from the miner’s light. Levi’s typically sell for $15 up.

Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle – not considered high end but these brands are popular. My favorite brand is American Eagle, especially AE Artist jeans. American Eagle clothing is well made and sells well. Certain styles that have been discontinued like Real Flare are still in demand. If you can find quality items and get them at great prices, you will make money on eBay.

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